Zo zet je Insta op Dark Mode: ultieme gids

Photo hoe zet je insta op dark mode

Dark Mode is a popular feature that has been introduced in many apps and operating systems, including Instagram. It offers a different color scheme that uses darker colors, making it easier on the eyes, especially in low light environments. In this article, we will explore what Dark Mode is, the benefits of using it on Instagram, and how to enable it on different devices.

To enable Dark Mode on Instagram, you need to have the latest version of the app installed on your device. Once you have updated the app, you can enable Dark Mode by going to your device’s settings and selecting the Dark Mode option. This will change the color scheme of the app to a darker theme, making it more comfortable to use in low light conditions.


  • Dark Mode op Instagram is een functie die het kleurenschema van de app omkeert naar donkere tinten.
  • Voordelen van Dark Mode zijn onder andere minder vermoeide ogen, minder afleiding en een betere leesbaarheid in het donker.
  • Om Dark Mode in te schakelen op Instagram, ga je naar je profiel, klik je op het menu en selecteer je ‘Instellingen’. Vervolgens kies je ‘Weergave’ en schakel je ‘Donkere modus’ in.
  • Op iOS-apparaten kun je Dark Mode inschakelen via de instellingen van je telefoon en op Android-apparaten via de Instagram-app zelf.
  • Dark Mode kan ook worden ingeschakeld op de desktopversie van Instagram door naar je profiel te gaan, op het menu te klikken en ‘Donkere modus’ te selecteren.
  • Je kunt Dark Mode automatisch in- en uitschakelen op Instagram door de instellingen van je telefoon aan te passen.
  • Als je problemen ondervindt bij het inschakelen van Dark Mode, kun je proberen de app bij te werken of je telefoon opnieuw op te starten.
  • Andere apps met Dark Mode-functies zijn onder andere Twitter, YouTube en WhatsApp.
  • Dark Mode op Instagram kan helpen om vermoeide ogen te voorkomen en de leesbaarheid te verbeteren, vooral in het donker.

What is Dark Mode on Instagram?

Dark Mode is a display setting that changes the color scheme of an app or operating system to use darker colors. It is designed to reduce eye strain and improve visibility in low light environments. Dark Mode works by inverting the colors of the user interface, making the background dark and the text and icons light.

On Instagram, Dark Mode changes the background color of the app from white to black or dark gray. This makes it easier to view photos and videos, as well as read captions and comments. The text and icons on Instagram also change to a lighter color, making them stand out more against the dark background.

Benefits of Dark Mode on Instagram

1. Reduced eye strain: One of the main benefits of using Dark Mode on Instagram is reduced eye strain. The dark background reduces the amount of light emitted by your device’s screen, which can help prevent eye fatigue and discomfort, especially when using the app for extended periods of time.

2. Improved battery life: Dark Mode can also help improve battery life on your device, especially if you have an OLED or AMOLED screen. These types of screens only illuminate the pixels that are displaying light colors, so using Dark Mode on Instagram can help reduce the amount of power consumed by your device’s screen.

3. Better visibility in low light environments: Dark Mode on Instagram is particularly useful in low light environments, such as when you’re using the app in bed or in a dark room. The dark background makes it easier to view photos and videos without straining your eyes, and it also reduces the amount of light emitted by your device, making it less likely to disturb others around you.

4. Aesthetic appeal: In addition to its practical benefits, Dark Mode on Instagram also has an aesthetic appeal. The dark background can make photos and videos stand out more, and it can give the app a sleek and modern look. Many users find Dark Mode to be visually pleasing and prefer using it over the default light mode.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Instagram

Stap Beschrijving
1 Open de Instagram app op je mobiele apparaat
2 Tik op je profielpagina
3 Tik op het menu-icoon in de rechterbovenhoek
4 Scroll naar beneden en tik op ‘Instellingen’
5 Tik op ‘Weergave’
6 Tik op ‘Thema’
7 Selecteer ‘Donker’

Enabling Dark Mode on Instagram is a simple process that can be done on iOS devices, Android devices, and the desktop version of Instagram. Here is a step-by-step guide for each platform:

1. Step-by-step guide for iOS devices:
– Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
– Scroll down and tap on Display & Brightness.
– Under Appearance, select Dark.
– Open the Instagram app and you will see that Dark Mode is now enabled.

2. Step-by-step guide for Android devices:
– Open the Settings app on your Android device.
– Tap on Display.
– Look for the Dark theme option and toggle it on.
– Open the Instagram app and you will see that Dark Mode is now enabled.

3. Step-by-step guide for desktop version:
– Open your web browser and go to instagram.com.
– Log in to your Instagram account.
– Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect.
– In the developer tools panel that appears, click on the “Toggle device toolbar” button.
– Select a mobile device from the dropdown menu.
– Refresh the page and you will see that Dark Mode is now enabled.

Dark Mode on iOS Devices

To enable Dark Mode on iOS devices, you need to have iOS 13 or later installed on your iPhone or iPad. Here are the detailed instructions:

1. Open the Settings app on your iOS device.
2. Scroll down and tap on Display & Brightness.
3. Under Appearance, select Dark.
4. Open the Instagram app and you will see that Dark Mode is now enabled.

Dark Mode on Android Devices

To enable Dark Mode on Android devices, you need to have Android 10 or later installed on your device. Here are the detailed instructions:

1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
2. Tap on Display.
3. Look for the Dark theme option and toggle it on.
4. Open the Instagram app and you will see that Dark Mode is now enabled.

Dark Mode on Desktop Version of Instagram

Enabling Dark Mode on the desktop version of Instagram requires using the developer tools in your web browser. Here are the detailed instructions:

1. Open your web browser and go to instagram.com.
2. Log in to your Instagram account.
3. Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect.
4. In the developer tools panel that appears, click on the “Toggle device toolbar” button.
5. Select a mobile device from the dropdown menu.
6. Refresh the page and you will see that Dark Mode is now enabled.

Automatic Dark Mode on Instagram

In addition to manually enabling Dark Mode, you can also set it to automatically switch between light and dark modes based on your device’s settings. Here’s how to enable automatic Dark Mode on Instagram:

1. Open the Settings app on your iOS or Android device.
2. Go to Display & Brightness (iOS) or Display (Android).
3. Enable the Automatic option.
4. Open the Instagram app and it will automatically switch to Dark Mode when your device is set to Dark Mode.

The benefits of automatic Dark Mode include not having to manually switch between light and dark modes, and the app will always be in the mode that is most comfortable for your eyes.

Troubleshooting Dark Mode on Instagram

If you’re experiencing any issues with Dark Mode on Instagram, here are some common problems and how to fix them:

1. Dark Mode not working: Make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app installed on your device. If you do, try restarting your device and then enabling Dark Mode again.

2. Inconsistent appearance: Some users have reported that Dark Mode on Instagram doesn’t always appear consistently across all parts of the app. This is a known issue and can vary depending on the device and operating system you’re using. Unfortunately, there is no fix for this at the moment.

3. Battery drain: While Dark Mode can help improve battery life on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens, it may not have the same effect on devices with LCD screens. If you’re experiencing battery drain while using Dark Mode on Instagram, try disabling it and see if that improves your device’s battery life.

Other Apps with Dark Mode Features

Instagram is not the only app that offers Dark Mode. Many other popular apps and operating systems have also introduced this feature. Some examples include:

– Twitter: The Twitter app has a Dark Mode option that changes the color scheme to a dark blue background with white text.

– YouTube: The YouTube app also has a Dark Mode option that changes the color scheme to a dark gray background with white text.

– WhatsApp: The WhatsApp messaging app offers a Dark Mode option that changes the color scheme to a dark gray background with green accents.

– iOS and Android: Both iOS and Android operating systems have Dark Mode options that can be enabled system-wide, affecting all apps that support Dark Mode.

Why You Should Use Dark Mode on Instagram

In conclusion, Dark Mode on Instagram offers several benefits, including reduced eye strain, improved battery life, better visibility in low light environments, and aesthetic appeal. Enabling Dark Mode on Instagram is a simple process that can be done on iOS devices, Android devices, and the desktop version of Instagram. Additionally, you can set Dark Mode to automatically switch based on your device’s settings.

If you haven’t tried Dark Mode on Instagram yet, I encourage you to give it a try. Not only will it make using the app more comfortable for your eyes, but it can also enhance your overall Instagram experience. So go ahead and enable Dark Mode on Instagram today and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

Bent u dol op het gebruik van Instagram in de donkere modus? Wist u dat er nog meer manieren zijn om uw sociale media-ervaring te verbeteren? Ontdek hoe u uw Instagram-account kunt aanpassen aan de donkere modus en geniet van een stijlvolle en oogvriendelijke interface. Maar waarom zou u daar stoppen? Als u geïnteresseerd bent in het upgraden van uw garderobe, bekijk dan dit artikel over levendige blazer-outfits die terugkeren naar uw kast en absoluut verbluffend zijn. Of misschien wilt u uw energie een boost geven met neonkleuren die niet alleen uw lichaam flatteren, maar ook uw humeur verbeteren. En als u op zoek bent naar een coole, stedelijke uitstraling, kunt u inspiratie opdoen uit uw eigen kledingkast met deze “too cool for school” urban chic looks. Klik hier voor meer informatie over deze artikelen: Levendige blazer-outfits, Neonkleuren, Too cool for school urban chic.


Hoe zet je Instagram op dark mode?

Om Instagram op dark mode te zetten, volg je de volgende stappen:

  1. Open de Instagram-app op je telefoon.
  2. Ga naar je profiel.
  3. Klik op de drie horizontale streepjes in de rechterbovenhoek.
  4. Scroll naar beneden en klik op ‘Instellingen’.
  5. Klik op ‘Weergave’.
  6. Klik op ‘Thema’.
  7. Selecteer ‘Donker’.

Wat is dark mode?

Dark mode is een functie die de achtergrond van een app of website donker maakt in plaats van wit. Dit kan helpen om vermoeide ogen te voorkomen en de leesbaarheid te verbeteren, vooral in omgevingen met weinig licht.

Waarom zou ik Instagram op dark mode zetten?

Instagram op dark mode zetten kan helpen om vermoeide ogen te voorkomen en de leesbaarheid te verbeteren, vooral in omgevingen met weinig licht. Bovendien kan het er ook gewoon cool uitzien!

Kan ik dark mode op Instagram uitschakelen?

Ja, je kunt dark mode op Instagram uitschakelen door dezelfde stappen te volgen en ‘Licht’ te selecteren in plaats van ‘Donker’.

Werkt dark mode op Instagram op alle telefoons?

Dark mode op Instagram werkt op de meeste telefoons die de nieuwste versie van de Instagram-app ondersteunen. Sommige oudere telefoons of versies van de app ondersteunen deze functie mogelijk niet.